
Time sure flies so fast. It felt like yesterday; I was dying on my first day of training. But it had been three months since then.

I remembered feeling sore during my first week. But Rufus… that damn instructor was too strict. I wanted to beat him at least for once.

But, I'm grateful. That Rufus was the one who trained me. If it was someone else, I wouldn't make this tremendous progress.

"I bought some refreshment." Sam snapped be back.

I gazed at my side. Sam was eating a slice of watermelon while he jogged with me.

Sam would always accompany me. But recently, he would just sit idly on the tower's window and watch me from there.

This was the first time he was joining me to run after a week. Not that I mind. 

"Later. I still have to finish one lap." I kept my response short and precise.