A breakfast by yours truly

I had a good sleep that night. For the past three months, I could say I haven't had such a peaceful and satisfying sleep. I would always wake up from terrible dreams.

But tonight, there's nothing. Even my fatigue magically disappeared. Ironic. Our last activity last night was intense than ever. It was as if we made love like there's no tomorrow.

Yet, it didn't tire me. 

Slowly, I opened my eyes. The chirping of the birds sang in chorus with the whistle of the morning wind. A ray of light peek though the window, hitting half of my face.

"Hmm?" I moaned and stretched my body, rolling to his side. 

However, as I turned around, I frowned. Sam was not here. I supported myself up with my elbow, looking around to see if he was here.

"Sam?" I called out softly, but no response.

With a frown, I sat upright. The quilt covering my bare body flowed down to my lap. "Where did he go so early?"