Their first proper date

I happily ate the breakfast he made himself. The taste was alright. It was not as exquisite as what the servants usually served. However, as a peasant who had survived eating potatoes for a long time, everything that could fill my stomach was all blessings.

But as a biased bride, today's breakfast was the best meal I had ever eaten. Sam made it, after all. I would eat it any day.

After that, Sam and I had agreed to make preparations. I informed Fabian about our today's plans. I knew he would help, and he did.

Thus, with Fabian's influence, he summoned the servants in the castle to help me with everything. From the local dress I could wear so not to stand out too much, to my hair, and just everything.

"This jewelry is one of the finest jewelry in the country. Lord Cameron had sent it this morning, my lady." The maid servant informed me.