Fabian's nature

Sam only let out a brief chuckle as he escorted me towards the carriage. On our way, I caught a familiar figure from the corner of my eyes.

Instinctively, I turned my head in its direction. It was Fabian.

Fabian was watering the…? Wasn't that the area where he dug a grave pit last night? He didn't bury someone last night, did he?

As if noticing my gaze, Fabian turned his head in my direction. As usual, he offered me a smile; his eyes squinting, his lips stretched from ear to ear.

I smiled back subtly as I treaded carefully. 

Until suddenly, I froze, pausing in my steps. I felt Sam also halted as he gazed at me, confused.

"That…" My lower lips trembled, staring at the hand that suddenly came out from the ground. The same ground that Fabian was watering.

Did Fabian bury someone alive?