Is it even possible?

I half-expected him to bring me into a strange place. The route was a little dark and suspicious, after all.

However, what I didn't expect was, the good place he was talking about was actually real. After a long walk, we reached another plaza — a bigger one. 

A market place full of people; stalls, customers, men and women, even children!

"Knotley is divided into two. The plaza we arrived at was its front. Since they were all devotees, they treated the main plaza as the holy land. That's why it had fewer people and a lot more organized." Sam explained.

I didn't even ask, yet he already informed me. I gazed up at him in awe.

Sam looked down and smiled. "In here, we can display our affection publicly. This side of Cunningham is a lot less reserved." 

He then casually slipped his fingers through the gaps between mine.

As he did so, I bit my lower lip and looked around. Sam didn't seem lying.