Big sister not Auntie

"My uncle."

My face scrunched up upon this little child's response. I didn't want to judge this uncle of his, but it was hard not to at this point.

"He he. Is that so?" I awkwardly responded, finding it hard to articulate my pure thoughts.

Who wouldn't? This child believed people went to hell instead of heaven. And his wording too. His mother died while his father was tortured to death.

A sigh slipped past my lips. Wasn't that too cruel? But that's reality for us. 

Being tortured, stoned, or burnt to death were just a few methods of execution. I wonder what grave sin his parents committed to receive such judgment.

"Auntie, you look pale."

"Am I?" I smiled subtly before my entire face suddenly stiffened. 

Auntie?? Did I look that old to him? Not that I mind, but the way he said it somehow made it sound like an insult.