My lady, please be safe.

Everyone in Knotley wasn't moving. As if mannequins displayed in the streets, unaware of a figure bolting like a bolt of lightning.

"Where is she?" Samael muttered through his gritted teeth, searching every nook and cranny for Lilou, but he couldn't find her.

Samael gradually stopped in the middle of the heart of Knotley, panting. He stretched his neck in a circular motion, closing his eyes.

He couldn't think straight. His senses were too heightened. It affected his sense of smell. 

Claude couldn't hold this barrier he put up for too long. Samael ran his fingers through his hair in distress.

"Who is trying to play with me?" He ground his teeth, looking from left to right.

The vein in his eyes grew red as his fangs let themselves known. As he cocked his head sideways, cracking noise clapped in his ears.

"Ha… ha, haha!" His low chuckles gradually sounded evil.