How nice to be back

Was there any way to get out of this mess? Samael wondered.

Just one problem concerning Lilou. He couldn't control himself. Deep down, he knew what he had unleashed was dangerous.

Yet, out of desperation, he did it anyway. Why? Because he was afraid.

In this time, standing in the middle of the heart of Knotley, Samael couldn't even move. It would take him a while to stop this anger building up within him.

All he could do was to trust Fabian to get her back. Why… why now?

"How pathetic…" Samael whispered under his breath, blaming himself.

If he didn't take his eyes off of her, he could have prevented this from happening. But he let himself get distracted. Now Lilou was being taken away from him; and to think this had happened under his watch.

No. That was not the case.