First attempt: failed.

"My sister-in-law?"

Words immediately clogged in my throat. Did he call me sister-in-law? Did that mean…

"I hope you find the Capital to your liking, my dear sister-in-law." He smirked before turning his back against me.

His footsteps clip clopped against the marbled floor, sounding overly loud in my ears. The sound faded until there's only silence.

Capital… sister-in-law… coffin…

For a moment, I couldn't move a muscle. I stared at the high ceiling blankly. 

"Just what happened?" I muttered under my breath, recalling my last memory.

All I could remember was buying some sweets for Claude. But then, I found myself in an alley and then nothing more. 

A scoff slipped past my lips. I bit my lower lip as hard as I could, hoping this was a terrible nightmare.

Alas, it wasn't. 

This was reality. And I got myself abducted to the Capital. My jaw tightened as I clenched my teeth.