I miss him... so much.

I pursed my lips in a thin line as I hung my head low. I'll just bow like this until she walked away.

Survive. That was my motto from then on and now! Offending a royalty, although I'm marrying one, would just give me more headache. They might put me in the scaffold if I made the wrong move.

Until Sam arrived, I would have to walk as if I'm treading on eggshells.

"Hah…" Her royal highness scoffed under her breath. 

After that, I heard her soft footsteps coming near. Soon, I saw the end of her skirt as she stood before me. I didn't dare raise my head as I gritted my teeth.

"You…" she muttered, caressing my jaw with the back of her hand.

A shiver immediately ran down my spine upon the sensual touch. She guided my chin up, locking her gaze with me.

Her noble beauty stunned me momentarily. Lara's beauty was akin to the first day of spring, warm and refreshing. It could make one happy just staring at her.