Ninth prince

When I was left alone in the gazebo, a sigh slipped past my lips. I didn't expect Silvia to say all that.

It was too abrupt that it I didn't get the luxury to gather my thoughts. All I did was to hold it in.

Fortunately, I had felt this same anger before, back in Cunningham. Hence, I didn't explode from it.

"How can a big place feel so suffocating?" I murmured, propping my jaw against the bottom of my palm, staring at the lake.

Slowly, I gazed down on my other hand, which was holding the invitation for the banquet. It was my first time to receive such an invitation, I should feel honored.

However, I felt more restless, bothered. Something inside me was telling me not to go. 

'Do I have a choice, though?' I wondered internally. Obviously, Silvia didn't give me a room to refuse.

Instead, she proposed she would be my partner. Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad if she's with me.