Get lost

Once I returned to my quarters, my nose scrunched up. Only the head maid came in with me. 

Silvia only told me to avoid Cassara. She didn't mention there was a male version of her!

I stomped my way to the settee and plopped down. Crossing my arms as I scoffed. 

How could he casually ask someone to do suicide? It was as if he was merely asking someone to sleep!

Goodness… he somehow aggravated me. A deep sigh slipped past my lips. If he asked me that before, I would probably just ask him to kill me.

However, those silly thoughts had long left my system. I asked Sam many times to kill me in the past, that even I gave up on the thought.

"Do you want me to bring you tea, Miss?" The head maid inquired, standing not far away from the side of the settee.

Slowly, I gazed at her. "What is your name?"

"Countess Mildred of the house of Soulton, your high — Miss. I'm your head lady-in-waiting."