Yulis and Dominique

"Get lost." I blurted out with a smile.

When I realized what I said, it was already too late. However, I had to keep this smile until the end, right?

My teacher, my butler, why must you teach me such impudence? Your student needed lashes for using your teaching and wisdom so thoughtlessly.

I wept internally, bidding my farewell in the world. Silence dawned in the entire dining hall. 

The ninth prince's expression grew more glum. Just by his gaze, I could feel his desire to strangle me. I wondered how many times he had murdered me in his head.

"Pfft—! Wahaha!" A loud laugh resonated across the entire dining hall, followed by clapping. "Yulis, she told you to get lost! Ahah! Ahhh…"

To my surprised, that man who was laughing suddenly appeared to my side. I nearly jolted, but my reaction lagged.

"… that's funny."