I am His human

I always wished for Sam's arrival. But I'm glad he has yet to arrive.

Knowing how being sired to someone and experiencing it felt very different. It was a hundred times more dreading to act according to someone's will.

"Don't stray away from me. The flowers here, although beautiful, they are deadly." Stefan gazed at me as we arrived in the garden of Avolire Palace.

I pursed my lips, gazing back at him. It was amazing how fast his mood switched.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I said, withdrawing my hand from him as he loosened his grip.

The last thing I wanted was to feel was the superiority of his words on me. I'd rather balance my compliance and disobedience; giving what he wanted and keeping the last shred of what was mine.

I had to be careful of what and what not to give. Hence, I had to put on a lot of masks to survive in this place and be practical.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" He asked, cocking his head at me.