This is nothing

The walls in my chambers witnessed how I broke down that night. I cried my heart out as I soaked the pillow with tears. 

It angered me to the core that vampires were far too superior to humans. They were gifted with abilities and strength, only to use it for their personal interest, while humans had to succumb to fear before them.

Meeting Stefan shredded my heart, my beliefs, and my hopes into many pieces. There's no more faith to put in this kingdom reigned by him.

He had blown away the little fire I had for this kingdom's growth. The little faith and hope that someday this kingdom would care for its subject — regardless of their race — vanished, just like that.

"This is the 18th time you stepped on my foot." I snapped back to the current lapse upon hearing Yulis' toneless complaint. "Stop spacing out."

"Oh." I bit my lower lip out of habit, taking foot my away from his feet. "Sorry."