Gaining an ally is better than none


"Hanz. Do you want his head?" Yulis inquired sincerely.

My mind buzzed momentarily as the corner of my eyes twitched. Please tell me I misheard him?

"Ah, I think I misheard you, your highness," I replied, along with an awkward chuckle.

"You didn't. I said what I said. I'll give you his head or his other eye if that will make you feel better," Yulis affirmed, nodding at me encouragingly as he looked at me straight in the eye.


I pinched the bridge of my nose, propping my elbow on the armrest as a sudden headache struck me. A sigh slipped past my lips as I grasped what he meant by that.

Was he proposing this because he felt bad for judging me unfairly? He would kill his brother as an apology?

"If you do that, wouldn't you be in a predicament?" I queried in distress, casting him a look.

"Does that matter?" He tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows innocently.