You look ugly as ever

Days had passed in a blur, and it was the day of the banquet. I barely recalled what I did for the past days as they were the same; dance practices with Yul, attending classes for palace etiquette, dinner with my in-laws, and stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep.

I didn't meet Stefan again since that night, making my adjustments faster. Meeting him just so he could ridicule me was the least I wanted right now.

"My lady, her royal highness is here," Mildred announced from behind me, bowing politely.

I glanced up, setting my gaze on her reflection from the full-body vanity mirror in front of me.

"Send her in," I whispered, smiling faintly as I shifted my gaze back to my reflection.

"Well, my, sister." Silvia's voice caressed my ears, along with the soft clip-clop of her heels. "Are you trying to provoke everyone by putting your hair up, highlighting your neck?"