Who will decorate the wall?

The banquet hosted by the Thornhart's had exceeded my expectation. It was more grandiose, decent, and bustling than I thought. Unlike how I imagined it as a slaughterhouse with a hanging carcass of humans around.

"Greetings to her royal highness." A noble lady performed a curtsy in front of Sivi. "The house of Thornhart is honored to have you in our humbled banquet."

Humbled banquet? Everything sparkled in my eyes. How was this humble? I pursed my lips as I stood behind Sivi and distanced myself a little. She had attracted a lot of attention. 

"Please, rise." Sivi gestured as she sported a kind smile. Her tone and movements exuded elegance. It was not hard to notice.

"The House of Thornhart had always supported the royal family…" 

Sivi's voice faded in the indistinct chattering spreading in the air as I looked around. Sivi was not the only one who attracted the attention of noblemen and women, but Yul as well.