Samael will not be Samael without Sam and Hell

My heart skipped a beat, but it felt a little painful. The difference of the sincerity in his words before and now sounded very distinct. I couldn't even fool myself.

"If that's what you think, let's do that then," I answered sarcastically, and gazed down, resting my head against the door. "But until then, I have to excuse myself."

My last remark was only a level above a whisper. I just wanted to be alone right now so I could gather my thoughts because this was a little overwhelming for me.

"Please," I whispered, desperate to be heard. 

But the current Sam didn't understand that as he replied with a firm, "No." before wrapping his arms around my waist and rested his forehead on my shoulders. "You can't go."

"Why not?" My voice was muffled as I winced. "Can't I have a moment to think and try to understand this change? To understand why my fiance suddenly lost his feelings for me?"