Found you

"Don't speak my name using her lips," Stefan warned as he shoved her back and she hopped a meter, still smiling at him. "Lakresha."

Lilou smiled brightly, aggravating Stefan even more. Lilou would never smile so brightly that gave off such a menacing aura. She's not like that, at least not from his memory.

"Apologies, Your Majesty. Please, forgive me this time." Her tone was light, gesturing a bow as she apologized. "I didn't mean to look through the missing years of her life."

She glanced to the side to see new figures appearing, one after another. "Silvia."

"Lilou," Silvia called under her breath, scrutinizing her from head to toe, confirming there's absolutely wrong with Lilou. 

Dominique, who was also gazing at Lilou, slowly balled his hands into a fist. "Lakresha, what think you're doing?"

"Hehe!" Lilou giggled almost gleefully as she linked her hands behind her, skipping her steps to the stairs, and plopped down on the throne.