A right for the throne

Lilou's eye softened as it started to return to its original color upon meeting those deadly pairs of glinting crimson orbs. 

"Sam," she whispered before her eyes closed and her head hangs low, resting on his chest.

Samael snickered as he ground his teeth in annoyance. The reason he ran late was that he knew this would happen, eventually. Hence, he came to check on something first.

"Hell, have you lost your mind?" Dominique seethed, as everything had finally registered in his head. "Is she really Lara's daughter?"

Everyone was shocked into silence because none of them expected this. A daughter of Lara and someone in the Bloodfang clan? 

"You've all gone mad, did you?" Dominique scoffed in disbelief as he glanced at his brothers. "To think the Bloodfang Clan started a revolt and sacrifice their lives as a mere facade to birth an existence, whose blood falls into the highest level in the blood hierarchy."