Happy thoughts only!

As I opened my eyes, a groan slipped past my lips as all the muscles in my body ached even with the slightest movement.

'Did I fall asleep last night while waiting for Sam?' I wondered internally as I open and closed my eyes until my vision grew clearer.

Instinctively, I looked at where Sam would always lie down. A smile turned up on my lips upon meeting the pair of deep crimson eyes looking back at me.

"Good morning," I greeted, pulling up the quilt over my shoulder. "It seems I fell asleep last night."

Sam didn't respond as he blinked his eyes ever so slowly, propping his jaw against his knuckles as he reached his hand towards me. He brushed my hair back wordless.

'Ah, it feels so nice,' I thoughts as I felt like sleeping again as if my body felt so exhausted. So I closed my eyes to sleep more, but snapped them open once again as a conclusion crossed my head.

"Sam?!" He remained silent and only quirked a brow, alarming me. "Did you…"