The least of your concern

I kept thinking about Rufus' advice, especially with the air of hostility I felt in other's gazes. However, I didn't expect that advice to also apply to everyone. Once the king and Sam arrived, everyone had taken their respected seats, and the meeting had started. No one spoke aside from the person who was briefing us on what matters we should discuss tonight.

My eyes kept scanning everyone. There were a few people I knew or was familiar with, aside from Sam, the other familiar faces around the table were Stefan, Dominique, and Wendell the twelfth prince from the La Crox family; Lord Noah Remington was also present. Rufus and Fabian weren't seated, but they were present and stood in the corner, along with other knights.

The atmosphere felt more stifling and different, as if a new side of what's truly going on within the palace walls forced its existence on me. I couldn't think that this place was just a luxurious asylum anymore, but more than that.