What is this?

Alphonse, the second son of the late king. It was said that in terms of skills, strength, and intelligence, Alphonse had excelled among the La Crox brothers, — surpassing even the then-crown prince, Dyrroth. He was a perfect candidate as the heir to the throne with his innate talent. 

However, there was only one thing that Alphonse lack, empathy. Although the members of the royal family grew up in a strict and deadly environment, a ruler still had the responsibility and carried the weight of the crown; one of them was to protect the lives of his subjects and this entire kingdom.

Although Alphonse and Sam's existence were an obvious threat in this kingdom, there was a fine difference between them. Sam was capable of bringing hell into this kingdom if so, he pleased, but he never had that intention. Alphonse, however, wanted nothing but this kingdom's downfall.

"Alphonse?" Stefan repeated, leaning in. "What makes you think the dead is involved in this?"