Invite you to my bed

I was startled back to reality when Silvia suddenly came to my side. "Sister." I gazed up and smiled. "Sivi, why are you here?" I asked and my eyes fell on her armor attire, leaving me in awe.

"I came here to train," she answered with a light chuckle. "I heard you'll be joining the case about the undead, so I thought of visiting you."

"Sivi, is this why you've been busy?" I inquired, a little taken aback as I blinked cluelessly. That was quite surprising. Silvia had a fierce aura, but I didn't think I'd ever see her wearing light armor. She looked great!

Silvia chuckled once again, nodding. "I hope you understand I didn't mean to keep it from you."

"No, it's fine! I understand." My hand raised and shook, gesturing to her it wasn't a big deal. "I know there must be a reason, but Sivi, you look great even in armor!" I'm not lying. Silvia looked sophisticated in anything!