Drowned with self-delusion and blinded by desperation

"I will… kill you!" 

Blood splattered on me, and the side of my lips curled into a brief smirk. However, that was not enough to kill him as he slowly drew away, touching his bleeding ears. 

He seemed surprised, gazing at his palm after touching his wounded ear. I crawled away from him, pushing myself back with my feet. 

I winced when he suddenly stuck his tongue out and licked his palm ever so slowly. This disgusting monster… he had really lost his mind because of his hunger.

My shoulder stiffened as soon as his gaze landed on me. "Come close, or I will kill you," I warned, clutching at the branch tightly. 

His response was a diabolical smirk, sending waves of fear in me. Although the fear in me was great, my will to survive was far greater. I knew taking a person's life was a sin, but that didn't matter to me at this moment. This was a matter of who would die between us, and that was definitely not me.