A role I never thought I would willingly take

I opened my eyes slowly and met with the pair of crimson orbs hovering over me. Having those recurring dreams almost every day and night slowly numbed me, although they were still as exhausting as usual. 

"Dreams again?" Sam asked, brushing the strands of my hair away from my forehead and added, "You're handling them well now." 

"Was I out for a long time?" I furrowed my brows, as I didn't expect to wake up on his lap after a nap. 

Sam smacked his lips for a moment and answered, "Yes. For ten days."

My mind short-circuited for a second, processing his words to make sense out of them. Did he Say ten days? How was that possible? I gasped and only then I realized he was toying with me as he snickered. 

I clicked my tongue as my expression died down in an instant. "I hate you."