Atypical family dinner

"Lilou, sit here."

His voice prickled under my skin as I winced, turning my head towards Stefan, who sat on the host's seat. Did he just invite me to sit next to him? 

"What's wrong?" asked Sam, and I turned my head to him, baffled. 

Didn't he hear Stefan's invitation? I studied his expression, and it seemed that was the case. 

"No — nothing." I shook my head lightly, sporting a forced smile to reassure him. 

Sam narrowed his eyes suspiciously but didn't probe about it as he nodded. A sigh of relief slipped past my lips as I averted my eyes. 

'Is it just my imagination?' I wondered internally, trying to shrug it off, but it lingered in my mind.

Except for my defiant husband, we greeted the King with a curtsy or a bow fitting for how a king should be greeted before we all settled down with our seats. Stefan gazed at everyone around, but somehow, his eyes lingered in my direction a little longer.