The past that chased us like a shadow

"Hand," He said, but I hesitated to take it, knowing him, but I still did. "Good girl," he said as his fingers wrapped around my hand.

Please, Sam turned his head in Stefan's direction. "Your Majesty, it seemed that my wife is not feeling well."

Stefan cast me a brief look, making me grip Sam's hand tightly. 

"Is that so?" Stefan nodded in understanding. "Should I send the royal physician to your quarters?"

"There's no need. Just a little rest will do." 

"Alright, take care of your wife." Stefan approved, surprising me a little as to how easily he approved was suspicious in its own way.

"You don't have to tell me that," Sam replied bluntly before assisting me up. As he did, my attention shifted to Claude as he held my hand while looking up at me.

"Little crumb, my wife needs rest," Sam uttered in a slightly annoyed tone. I nearly elbowed him, as he needed to be more soft talking to a child.