The start of the long winter

"Your Grace, Lena had returned, but I told her to rest for today," Mildred informed me as she stood behind me.

I looked outside the window, placing my hand on the glass. "Winter seems it will start earlier than expected, Mildred."

"It happens, Your Grace."

"I hate winters," I whispered, as winters often turn my life upside down. I didn't want to anticipate another disaster, but I couldn't help it.

"The cold is not everyone's favorite."

After Mildred voiced out her thoughts, silence enveloped the two of us. Sam was just here this morning, but my heart felt restless. Although it was peaceful… it was unnaturally peaceful.

"A lull before the storm…" I whispered as my eyes narrowed, taking a deep breath as I closed my eyes briefly. When I opened them, I stared at my reflection only to see the color of my eyes having a different color: one was red and the other was olive — the original color of my eyes.