The cursed prince

When Yul and I arrived, we just stayed idle and accompanied me around. We only did a brief patrolling, if that was what even considered patrolling as we didn't pay attention that much. 

"You are leaving in the worst season," Yul said as soon as we headed back into my chambers. He took a seat on the chair across from me.

"Mildred. Tea, please." 

Mildred was bowed her head and left without a sound. Once she closed the door, I set my eyes back to Yul.

"Can you look after her?" I asked, a bit worried about what would happen to her once we leave. "I don't worry about Lena, but Mildred will surely be in trouble. She's my lady-in-waiting, after all."

Yul stared at me before he smacked his lips. "All I can do is get a lesser punishment for her, but if the king orders her death, I can't step in."