Schemes after schemes, secret alliances behind alliances

Meanwhile, on another side of the palace where the delegation of the princess of the Cross Kingdom stayed, Zarros gazed up. His eyes glinting with murderous intent as soon as he laid his eyes on the person approaching him.

"Zarros," greeted Zero with a smirk, walking languidly without a care in the world.

"Your Highness." Zarros hung his head low, keeping his emotions in check. "You came… just as what her highness said."

"Oh? Beatrice is expecting me?" 


The side of Zero's lips stretched wide as he rocked his head approvingly. "The princess never ceased to amaze me. Then I shall head inside to humor her. I'm pretty sure she is dying of boredom."

Zarros spoke nothing as he stepped to the side, teeth clenched. His obedience made Zero arch a brow, stopping in front of him.