Not as crazy as you

Zero chuckled, shaking his head while walking through the hallway. Werewolves? Beatrice's cards never ceased to amaze him.

'A title of a Queen befits her talent and wits,' He thought as a smirk appeared on his lips. 'Too bad, she is barren.'

"Your Majesty." Suddenly, Tristan's voice intruded inside Zero's head, making the latter raise a brow. "Alistair had put a shadow on you and the princess."

'Is that so?' Zero's reaction was neither pleased nor displeased, it was nonchalance. 'It's to be expected, don't worry.'

"Those people in the seance want to take this opportunity to…"

'Tristan, tell them to sit back and relax.' Zero cut him off as he looked ahead, eyes glinting dangerously. 'If we make any bold movements right now, it will spoil all our preparations. All they have to do is watch quietly and enjoy everything unfolds.'