The rest of the Bearers of the Divine Order

"Either way, I am pleased to meet you."

Three figures stood in front of Fabian, sizing him up and his strength. Even when he just stood, they could feel that the aura he exuded was no joke, making their weapons tremble.

"Fabian the Butler," said a woman with short dark brown hair. "We, the Bearers of the Divine Order, asked you to surrender and come with us."

"How formal." Fabian smiled, followed by a low chuckle. "If you are this nice, then I will."

His immediate agreement made their brows furrow as they gazed at him suspiciously. Fabian grinned, raising both his hands as he marched towards them.

"Hmm? Why are you in doubt?" Fabian inquired, tilting his head to the side upon noticing they were not moving. "I like the formality, so I don't see the reason for unnecessary bloodshed."

"Seize him," the woman glanced at the other man and cocked her head.