Not a chance, little girl.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the heart of the Capital, Kristina looked back upon hearing Ramin's voice.

"Kristina, how is the situation?" asked Ramin as soon as he reached her, gazing at the people they were escorting to one of the Remingtons' estates. 

Right now, this area was being filled with darkness as the turned vampires were wreaking havoc; they're no different from those undeads. They encountered a few; some died while some were just knocked unconscious.

"We had evacuated the people in the area, but we don't know if the situation will escalate to worst," Kristina briefed him, sighing as she gazed around. "The problem is, most of the noble houses won't open their doors to commoners."

"Only the Remington opened their doors?"

Kristina nodded. "The Monroe and the Soulton also opened theirs, but alas…" it wasn't enough. Ramin understood her point, even though she didn't finish her sentence.