One lost an arm, while the other lost his life.

Gnash teeth, eyes ahead, galloping my way back to the palace. Yes. In the end, I didn't listen and returned to where we came from. I might see Fabian on the way back, but I would never listen to him ever again. 

'Even if it means fighting him…' I swallowed down a mouthful of saliva as the wind grew harsh with my speed. "Get out of the way!" came out a yell as I took a route to where there were people.

Screams and curses reached my ear as the people jumped to make way, but that didn't faze me. Killing one or two people didn't matter. That wasn't what important to me right now. It may sound selfish and heartless, but my gut feeling was screaming at me, telling me something bad would happen to Sam.

'I shouldn't have listened in the first place.' I told myself, gripping the reins tightly. 'I should've fought beside him no matter what he said.'