[Bonus chapter]The end and the new beginning V

Everything was so chaotic that day. That was all I could remember… because that's all I heard while being locked up in this oubliette. I was never in a place like this. A place where there was no light or sound. 

It was just darkness, silence, and me. A perfect representation of my heart.




Despite that, I didn't shed a single tear. I held back. No matter how this deafening silence try to kill my spirit, I didn't succumb. The other half of my brain told me I was in denial, while the other part told me… the same.

'I am going out of my mind.' I told myself, chuckling at the thought. 'But an insane mind… is just what I needed.'

One would condemn me for what sort of wife I had become. A person who barely shed a tear for her husband's death, but that didn't matter to me.