[Bonus chapter]The end and the new beginning VI

My husband's death took the kingdom by surprise. Stefan was truly amazing in distorting the truth; I commend him in that aspect. Well, it was not like Sam, Rufus, and Fabian weren't heroes in this kingdom… but Stefan always made sure that he was doing me a favor.

Just like what he had also promised, he let Yul, Silvia, and Klaus out from being locked up in a separate prison. By looking at them, the exposed bruises on them told me they had it rough. Good thing they had survived this far.

No, I'm glad Stefan had kept them alive and used them as his bargaining chip. My husband had loved his siblings. It wasn't obvious to his personality, but he had protected them until the end… so I would continue that duty as his wife. 

The decision I made, I would never regret. Everything that my husband left, I would protect them… until he return to me one day.