[Bonus chapter]Beauty is a weapon

Yul squinted his eyes into slits as he welcomed us by the door. He knew that Zero would come, but he probably didn't expect to see him tonight.

"Welcome to our humble estate, Your Majesty," He greeted formally, bowing before facing us squarely. "Forgive us if we are welcoming you in such a poor state. We aren't aware."

"Haha. Oh, ninth prince." Zero chuckled, planting his hand on his hip. "You are too formal, unlike the rest I had met so far. But, do not worry. It's my fault that the messenger I sent didn't seem to arrive in here safety."

"Yul, take His Majesty to the drawing room." I chimed in and glanced at Zero. "I will join you there while they prepare us dinner, Your Majesty."

"My, how lovely." He chuckled, casting me a smirk before he followed Yul's lead. 

"Your Grace." Mildred cast me a look of worry, but I smiled.

"Help me get changed, Mildred. Don't look at me like that."