[Bonus chapter]The best is yet to come

"And here I was wondering what had taken you so long, my duchess!" Zero exclaimed as soon as I entered the drawing room. "Turns out you dressed up! I might assume you did all this for me!"

"You don't have to assume, Your Majesty." I smiled, tilting my head a little before taking the chair across from him. "I dressed up for your eyes to see."

"Goodness, are you seducing me?"

"Well, if I can charm you, why not?" I raised a brow, smirking coquettishly. "You are not a bad partner, after all."

Zero chuckled once again, leaning back, legs over the other, while his arm was on the armrest. "Your flirting had improved. I guess this is one of the skills you had honed in a mere seven months."