A friend for a minute

"Alphonse... and those bastards from the mainland."

Samael squinted his eyes, leaning forward with his arms on his legs, hands linked. For someone who had been into the depths of hell and crawled his way back to earth, Samael had seen it all. So, when he started sniffing around the case of the undead, he couldn't help but look at the bigger picture. 

What he had uncovered was far more alarming than what he had thought. Stefan was the least of his concerns. If Stefan was the biggest threat, Samael could simply use brute force, since his brother wouldn't be able to defeat him.  Hard work and wits, Stefan was far inferior to Samael. Even though Stefan had reached the peak, he was centuries late. Their experience just had a very huge gap.

However, Samael's concerns were the people who were lurking around Stefan. For example, Alphonse. That second prince and was known as the cursed prince was someone who was one of the biggest threats to Samael.