You two look good together

"Duchess, why don't you have some apples? They are very sweet and freshly picked!"

One merchant offered me with a bright grin on her face. I smiled, walking towards her stall, and picked one that had a perfect shade of red. 

"I'll take this then." My smile remained, casting my eyes on the old merchant. "Take this." tossing a coin to her, which she caught out of instinct.

"Your Grace, you don't have to -- "

"Do you want one, your highness?" I ignored her purposely, diverting my attention to Heliot, who stood beside me. 

Heliot gazed down at the apple in my hand and then turned his head to the old lady. A faint smile turned up on his lips, picking up a random apple and handed a coin.

"Your Grace, My Lord, it's really - "

"Just take it." I insisted, shaking my head as I turned around and walked away. I heard the old woman expressed her gratitude as if I saved her life or something.