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"What do you think?" I turned to Heliot after Silvia toured us around the Academy. 

"It is a surprise how you had truly turned Grimsbanne into a metropolis." 

"As much as I'd like to take the credit, I can't." A chuckle escaped my mouth, shaking my head while we sat on the bench in the open garden of the Academy. "Grimsbanne is already prepared to have these advances even before I became its lord."

I smiled, staring at the people walking through the corridor from a distance. Seeing this still gave me this satisfaction.

"It's all thanks to Rufus. Grimsbanne just lacks in the budget since Stefan had been suppressing Rufus when he was taking care of Grimsbanne. But now that you'd been sending me lovely gifts, I simply funded his plans and put some annoying people in their place for this all to happen." Again, I glanced at him, who sat on the other end of the bench.