[Bonus chapter]Just ten deaths

After shooting that warning shot, Klaus and I galloped our way to the borders of Grimsbanne. On the way, I instinctively increased the grip on the reins to halt my horse and have a shift of pace.

"Your Grace!" Klaus yelled as he trotted in my direction. I ignored him as my eyes landed on the small hollow caused by another pebble not far away from me. 

"Does this mean this is not the way?" I murmured, raising a brow as a pebble would land on the way, as if the person who was throwing them was telling me it was the wrong way.

"Your Grace, are you alright?" Klaus asked as soon as he reached me.

"I think the person is telling us this is not the right way if we want to see him." A smirk appeared on my lips as I looked up ahead. "How interesting, indeed."

"Your Grace, must you go yourself? Whoever this person obviously wanted to get your attention."