[Bonus chapter]I missed you, Love.

As I've planned, I followed the direction where the pebble directed me to go. It stopped me from going on a different path and it led me to this place. The hill where I used to live. 

"Whoever it is, he surely knows where to press a nerve." A ridiculing chuckle escaped my mouth as I gazed up at the path going up the hill. "Now I'm a bit pissed."

Regardless, I still trekked my way up and the pebble already stopped coming. I didn't know why he would lead me to this place, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth. 

The reason I avoided going to this place was that... it was the place where my father rest and also the very place which reminded me of Sam. It was funny that I lived in the mansion where Sam and I stayed and built our memories together.