[Bonus chapter]Don't hurt yourself like this, silly.

Meanwhile, in Fabian and Rufus's location, Fabian raised a pebble with both his hands as if worshipping it. 

"This is the last one," he announced, before throwing it to Lilou's location. "There! She will find His Grace." 

A large grin appeared on Fabian's face, nodding in satisfaction as this idea of his would surely make Samael forgive him. If not, he'd just have to start practicing breathing underground to last longer.

"Sir Knight, brother, you..." He trailed off, furrowing his brows as soon as he set his eyes to Rufus. Just then, Fabian felt the presence of some familiar people and knew the reason his brother suddenly paused.

"It seems the third squadron was also here. Didn't you say there was a manhunt for them?" Fabian inquired, tilting his head to the side.

"It seems Her Grace kept those people hidden," he smiled, thinking that just like Noah, Lilou kept them safe. "She is truly amazing... just what scheme is her grace planning?"