Simple fool

'That guy knows how to talk and it makes me forget the important question.' I let out a sigh, walking through the hallways to Yul's quarters. 'I will ask him tomorrow if I had the time.'

Heliot might be a strange man who acted and decide logically. His straightforward personality was something that made him a little more trustworthy. So, I knew he had his own reasons.

Shortly after, I reached Yul's chambers. I took a deep breath, knocking on the door, and waited for it to open. Heliot wasn't wrong when he said I kept running away. Keeping too many secrets all at the same time, especially from Yul, who had been there for me, was unfair. Not that I planned to tell him everything, but... I don't know. He was really upset.

The door slowly creaked open from the inside. Yul peaked through the inch gap from the door. 

"Uhm... can we talk?" My brows raised as I sported an awkward smile. "Yul?"

"Is that an order?"