Secrets are corrosive

Another two days had passed since that talk with Yul. There wasn't much of anything unordinary that happened. It was the same, just like the past eight months.

"You're leaving?" I asked, gazing up at Heliot as I came to send him off. He glanced at the carriage behind him, and then eyes back at me.

"I had a great stay, and it is all thanks to you, Your Grace." A smile that didn't reach his eyes resurfaced on his face. "I feel renewed during my peaceful stay in here. If fate may allow it, I would like to come back and have a vacation."

"Vacation... that sounds so strange coming from you." I humored, shaking my head lightly. "Anyway, I hope you have a safe journey, your highness. If you plan to visit again, please let me know. You're always welcome in Grimsbanne."

Heliot raised a hand for me to clasp, which I did. "I will remember that." He bent over, planting a kiss on the back of my hand with his eyes on me.