Can you carry the weight of the crown?

"Alright, since everyone had settled, let's all delve into important matters." I clapped, catching everyone's attention. My eyes traveled across the room, making sure I got all their attention.

My gaze lingered a bit longer at Yul. "We need to change plans. But before I propose the plan I had in mind, I want to apologize to all of you."

Silence dawned on us as they looked at me with confusion. There were a lot of things I had to apologize for, and I didn't know where to start. However, I had to get through this — we have to get through all this.

"To win against Stefan, I know I had been copying their vicious methods of doing things. I had no excuse for that, nor I am remorseful about doing so." I paused, clasping my hand, but then loosened my grip as my shoulders relaxed. "I had believed that fighting them in their own game was the best method; it was one of the methods, but is not the best."