That would be a good ending

There was a long silence as my question caught everyone off guard — even Sam seemed perplexed. So, taking advantage of the silence, I summarized the tales of Soran and the lost history of this kingdom. 

"I can't see my husband playing as King; the kingdom and its people are done for if that happened." I cast Sam a look, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "Same thing will happen if I sit on the throne. I am not qualified. Among everyone, Rufus had shown all qualities of a wise king."

Again, silence ensued as I turned my head in Rufus' direction. He hadn't said a word, arms-crossed.

"I approve of this." The silence broke when Fabian raised a hand, catching everyone's attention. "I don't want to move to the capital permanently."

His reasoning may sound shallow, but a mutual agreement was what we needed. I didn't want to shock everyone, as my people had been pushing me to take the throne.